How to Engage with the DAO

This section is dedicated to enhacing your understaning of Alphaping DAO's key elements, like the Managing Council, AIPs, and both on-chain and off-chain actions. By going through these examples, you'll get a better grasp of how to confidently engage with the technology, governance proposals, and processes that drive Alphaping DAO forward.

Scenario 1: You have a great idea you want to share with Alphaping DAO.

What's the first step you should take?

The first step is to share your idea with Alphaping DAO by submitting it as an Alphaping Improvement Proposal (AIP) on the public Alphaping DAO governance forum. Along with this, you can also conduct a quick poll using Snapshot to gauge initial interest in your idea. This poll will be active for a week while people discuss your AIP. After that, you'll conduct a more formal vote using Tally.

This step is known as the Temperature Check phase. While it's technically optional, it's a good governance practice to follow. Even though the exact process of submitting an AIP isn't detailed in the Constitution, it does say that the DAO can approve and implement AIPs to change its rules. For a more in-depth guide on submitting a proposal, check out "How to submit an Alphaping DAO proposal."

Scenario 2: A security issue pops up with one of the business units managed by Alphaping DAO.

How can the DAO respond to the security emergency?

The Managing Council consists of 9 members chosen by the community, and they use a shared wallet to make decisions. They're responsible for acting quickly in emergencies to fix problems on any of Alphaping DAO's Business Units. To do this, they might update software or take other actions needed to address the issue. This emergency action needs at least 6 out of the 9 council members to agree.

The council should only use these emergency powers when there's a real threat, like a major security flaw that could harm one of the chains managed by Alphaping DAO. After taking action, the council must provide a detailed report explaining what happened and why they had to act quickly.

  • The Alphaping DAO can change or even remove the Managing Council's abilities by approving a Constitutional AIP. This means the community can decide to adjust the council's powers or dissolve it completely.

  • Similarly, the Alphaping DAO can limit or remove the council's ability to act in emergencies by approving a Constitutional AIP.

  • The Managing Council can also agree on regular software updates, maintenance, or other changes when there's no emergency. This kind of decision, called "non-emergency actions," needs approval from at least 6 out of the 9 council members.

  • When the council approves a non-emergency action, it skips the early steps of the decision-making process and goes straight to the later stages, adding some built-in delays. The council can even add extra waiting time if they think it's necessary.

Scenario 3: You want to propose a change to the system parameters of one of the Alphaping DAO's managed business units products or services

What process should be followed to implement this change?

To suggest changes to the Alphaping DAO's settings of a specific product or service:

  1. Post your idea on the public forum as an Alphaping Improvement Suggestion (AIS). People will talk about it for a week to gauge interest (Temperature Check phase).

  2. Next, it goes to a vote where token holders decide if they want to go ahead with the change.

  3. If the majority agrees, there's a waiting period before making the change.

  4. After the wait, the change is made by the people in charge of the business unit through a blockchain transaction.

Scenario 4: You want to propose a change to the Constitution of the Alphaping DAO

What process should be followed to implement this change?

  1. Share your idea by submitting an Alphaping Improvement Proposal (AIP).

  2. It then goes to a vote where token holders decide if they want the change.

  3. The proposal needs to get a supermajority (see constitution), meaning a large majority of voters must support it.

  4. The Managing Council also needs to approve the change with a 6 out of 9 votes for it to become official.

Scenario 5: You want to become a member of the Managing Council

How can you become a member of the Managing Council?

The Managing Council has 9 members. Every half-year, we hold elections. You can find all the details about how these elections work in the Constitution.

Scenario 6: You want to create a new Alphaping DAO Business Unit

What do you need to do next?

If you're thinking of starting a new business unit, you'll need to put together a proposal to get approval and authorization from the Alphaping DAO.

Scenario 7: The Alphaping DAO sees a period where voters are less active or involved than usual

Will this prevent work from being done on within the business unit that the Alphaping DAO owns?

Voter apathy won't stop progress on the Alphaping DAO's projects. The Managing Council can still make important decisions and take actions, especially in emergencies, with less stringent voting requirements.

While it's important for members to be involved in decisions, the Alphaping DAO's rules make sure things keep moving, even if not everyone is actively voting. Still, low voter turnout can mean decisions might not fully reflect what the community wants.

Scenario 8: You own $ALPDAO tokens, but you don't have time to actively participate in Alphaping DAO's governance

What options do you have?

If you've got $ALPDAO tokens but can't be super active in Alphaping DAO's decisions, you've got a few choices:

  1. Delegate your voting power: Give someone else you trust the power to vote on your behalf. Check out the process for how to do this.

  2. Hold onto your tokens: Keep your $ALPDAO tokens and vote when you can. Just know that some decisions might already be made by then.

  3. Sell or transfer your tokens: If you're not planning to use them, you can pass them on to someone else who's more involved.

Remember, while joining in governance is important, it's not mandatory. As long as you've got $ALPDAO tokens, you have the option to take part in Alphaping DAO's decisions. But if you choose not to, that's okay too.

Scenario 9: You want to propose a change to the way that unclaimed airdropped $ALPDAO tokens are distributed in Alphaping DAO.

What's the process for proposing and implementing this change?

To propose changes in how unclaimed airdropped $ALPDAO tokens are distributed within Alphaping DAO, you need to submit a proposal through an AIP. This proposal will follow the standard voting and delay phases. To be approved, it requires a supermajority of votable tokens in favor of the change. Moreover, the Managing Council must also give its approval with a 6-of-9 majority for the change to become effective. It's crucial for the community and domain experts to review and assess the proposed distribution changes thoroughly before they're implemented.

Scenario 10: A proposal in Alphaping DAO's governance passes, but it's one you voted against.

What options do you have?

If a proposal in Alphaping DAO passes against your vote, here are your options:

  • You can respect the decision and continue engaging with the DAO.

  • You can join community discussions to share your views and influence others.

  • You can submit a new AIP to address your concerns and seek approval.

  • You can opt to exit the DAO and sell your votable tokens before the changes come into effect, taking advantage of the time delay.

Last updated