Lifecycle & Anatomy of an AIP

An Alphaping Improvement Proposal (AIP) is a suggestion made by a member of the Alphaping DAO to make changes to the Alphaping ecosystem. There are two main types of AIPs: Constitutional and non-Constitutional.

  • Constitutional AIPs involve changes to the Alphaping Constitution, modifications to any business devision of the DAO.

  • Non-Constitutional AIPs cover all other proposals, like requests for funds or grants and providing general guidelines, information to the community or setting adjustments of specific products or services within a business unit.

The Anatomy of an Alphaping Improvement Proposal (AIP)

The Alphaping DAO's Constitution suggests that proposals should include the following sections:

  • Abstract: A brief summary of the AIP in two or three sentences.

  • Type: Is it a constitutional or non-constitutional AIP

  • Impact Area: If the AIP succeeds, which area will it impact: The DAO or which specific business units

  • Motivation: A rationale explaining why the Alphaping DAO community should adopt the AIP.

  • Rationale: An overview detailing how the AIP aligns with Alphaping DAO's mission and core values.

  • Key Terms (optional): Definitions for terms unique to the proposal, unfamiliar to the Alphaping DAO community, or specific to the industry.

  • Specifications: A comprehensive outline of the platforms and technologies involved.

  • Steps to Implement: Detailed procedures for executing the AIP, including associated costs, manpower, and other necessary resources. AIPs involving third-party transactions, such as grants, should also include relevant legal documentation and procedures.

  • Timeline: Relevant timeframes, including start dates, milestones, and completion dates.

  • Overall Cost: The total estimated cost of implementing the AIP.

  • Additional Sections: The AIP author can incorporate additional sections into the template to fully convey the AIP's intentions, specifics, and implications.

If an AIP isn't approved initially, the proposer can revise and resubmit it after addressing community concerns. The resubmitted AIP should also include these additional sections:

  • Link to Previous AIP: Provide a link to the earlier version of the proposal.

  • Reasons for Rejection: Explain why the community didn't approve the previous AIP.

  • Updates to the AIP: Detail the changes you've made to address the community's concerns.

  • Extra Details: Offering more information about your proposal can help the community better understand it and increase the likelihood of approval.

The Lifecycle of an Alphaping Improvement Proposal

Here's a simple breakdown of how an Alphaping Improvement Proposal (AIP) goes through its lifecycle:

To understand the details of each phase, please read the Alphaping DAO Constitution.

Last updated